Széchenyi Microcredit MAX+

Up to HUF 100,000,000
At a fixed 3.0% interest rate
For real estate purposes as well

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Main Products

(Magyar) MFB PVRK Forgóeszköz Hitelprogram

Up to HUF 100,000,000
At a fixed 3.5% interest rate
For real estate purposes as well
I'm interested

(Magyar) Vállalkozói Eurókölcsön

(Magyar) Akár 500.000 euró
Rugalmasan felhasználható
Akár ingatlan célra is
I'm interested

We have been providing loans to businesses for 20 years.

For start-up.

For growth.

For difficult times.

Az ország egész területén.

Már több mint 1.000 ügyfélnek.

Az ország egész területén.

We back your business in growth!

Hitelpont Zrt. has become one of the most successful financial companies that provide European Union and state subsidized funding to Hungarian businesses. Our principal task is to provide access to repayable EU and Hungarian State assistance (loan) to companies, fostering the development of the Hungarian economy.

More information about Hitelpont