MFB Crisis Loan &
MFB Crisis Loan Plus (SUSPENDED)

Up to 300.000.000 HUF
Max. 2.5% annually
24 grace period
Up to 15 years

Currently not available



Up to 150.000.000 HUF can be applied via MFB Crisis Loan, and 300.000.000 HUF via MFB Crisis Loan Plus. The aim of the programs is to provide corporate loan easing the crisis caused by COVID-19, based under the NHP Hajrá funding scheme.

The loan can be used for general investment and working capital financing and also refinancing business loans.

  • Max. 2.5% annual interest rate
  • Up to 15-year term
  • Up to 2-year grace period
  • Fixed asset investments
  • Property investments and purchase
Working Capital
  • Max. 2.5% annual interest rate
  • Up to 3-year term
  • Up to 1-year grace period
  • Financing inventories and receivables
  • Financing personnel expenses
  • Further OPEX
Loan Refinancing
  • Max. 2.5% annual interest rate
  • Up to 15-year term
  • Up to 2-year grace period
  • Refinancing business loans provided by any Hungarian financial institution at market-rates before 2020.03.31

Aims of MFB Crisis Loan and MFB Crisis Loan Plus

MFB Crisis Loan and MFB Crisis Loan Plus are state-subsidized and state guaranteed, therefore it is a potentially highly efficient tool for SMEs to fight difficulties with a total of 180 billion HUF. The goal of this loan product under the NHP Hajrá funding scheme is to support companies potentially facing depression caused by COVID-19 pandemic.

MFB Crisis Loan Terms

Loan amount:up to 150.000.000 HUF
Annual rate:max. 2.5%
Interest:fixed throughout the term
Annual fee of state guarantee:0,10%
Loan assessment + contractual + disbursement fees:0 HUF
Term of investment loan:1-10 years
Term in case of property purchase:1-15 years
Term of working capital loan:1-3 years
Term of refinancing loan:1-10 years
Grace period:up to 24 months
Collateral:Real estate collateral required

MFB Crisis Loan Plus Terms

Loan amount:up to 300.000.000 HUF
Annual rate:max. 2.5%
Interest:fixed throughout the term
Annual fee of state guarantee:no state guarentee
Loan assessment + contractual + disbursement fees:0 HUF
Term of investment loan:1-10 years
Term in case of property purchase:1-15 years
Term of working capital loan:1-3 years
Term of refinancing loan:1-10 years
Grace period:up to 24 months
Collateral:Real estate collateral required

Regarding the detailed conditions ask our colleagues via our contacts, or request a callback!

When to choose MFB Crisis Loan?

  • COVID-19 pandemic caused difficulties for your business.
  • Commercial banks cannot provide financing for any reason.
  • Your business has not closed any complete financial year.

When to choose MFB Crisis Loan Plus?

  • Your loan demand is higher then the limit of MFB Crisis Loan.
  • Company's finance and economic efficiency can be assessed based on past performance and can be financed without state guarantee.

Who can apply?

  • SMEs registered in Hungary;
  • Sole proprietorships, sole companies, primary producers, co-operative societies;
  • No full financial year is required;
  • Ask our colleagues regarding revenue and other business metric related limitations.

What securities are required?

  • real estate – liquid, free and clear of all liens, claims, and encumbrances required in all deal;
  • sureties – from all related shareholders, executive officers, possibly related undertakings;
  • security deposit – repayment security, will be determined in the proportion of the loan amount;
  • recovery order – on the bank accounts of the debtor and possibly related undertakings;
  • insurance – covering material collaterals;
  • guarantee – state guarantee according to the product specification.

How to apply?

  • The program is open from 12.06.2020.
  • You can:
    • request further information via our contacts,
    • calculate repayment cash-flow and
    • start your application process online below.

The information provided on this page does not contain all details, its purpose is to inform and does not represent a direct offer. For detailed information please check the product specification and/or ask from our colleagues.

Calculate in advance

MFB Crisis Loan &
MFB Crisis Loan Plus (SUSPENDED)

General investments, working capital financing and loan refinancing

Find out how much you need!

Amount requested ?The loan amount may be between 1.000.000 - 300.000.000 HUF.


Term ?The term of the loan is the duration of its repayment, including the grace period.


Grace period ?During the grace period principal does not need to be repaid, only interest.The term of the loan must exceed the grace period by at least 24 months (may be 0-24 months).


Repayment details

Detailed calculation

During grace period months

43.417 HUF

First installment past grace period

136.009 HUF

Last installment

94.268 HUF

Total repayment value

13.155.958 HUF

Upfront fees

Loan assessment fee
0 Ft
Contractual fee
0 Ft
Disbursement commission
0 Ft

The annual interest rate is maximized by 2.5%. Repayment is on a linear schedule, therefore ever-decreasing installments during the term. The calculator does not include the fee of the state guarantee. Check out our detailed calculator!

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